Friday, 11 March 2011

Blazer Of Glory


It's Friday! Check out our #FF tweets on our Twitter page for recommendations of interesting peeps to follow.

Lots of you seem to be gearing up for summer weddings, and our Special Evening dresses are proving very popular this week (some even being picked out for the bridesmaids!). For those not needing to go so formal, we also have some lovely pieces by Monsalina Chic and Yumi that would be great for special occasions. There are even some lovely Monsalina Chic and Max C pieces in our sale still!

As I mentioned it in yesterday's blog post, I thought we should have this Yumi Malin Blazer, £55.00, as Pick Of The Day. It's available in black or grey, and is perfect for this time of year when a coat feels too much but bare arms are still the road to unsightly goosebumps. Blazers are very in this season, and this one is perfect for wearing as a smart piece, or you can scruff it up a little by adding some badges. Trimmed in white, it has gorgeous white rose buttons at the front, and 3 smaller white rose buttons above the cuffs. I've got my eye on one, so I can confirm that whilst it is fitted, the sizings are generous (even to those with more than a little up top!), and it looks fantastic no matter what you try it on with (and believe me, I've been trying them on most days, I just don't know whether I want classic black or a slightly more spring-like grey).

Have a fantastic weekend! We'll be here tomorrow for all your Saturday night outfit planning!


Now Playing In The Shop: Primary - The Dandy Warhols

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